Spirit Ridge Rigle Golf

Advertising Campaign for Spirit Ridge Rifle Golf 2012 season.

Spirit Ridge Rifle Golf
Advertising Campaign for 2012 Season
This will be the third year that we've worked with the great team at Spirit Ridge to put together their season advertising campaign. I can't take credit for the Spirit Ridge Golf Ball Logo, that was designed before we were brought on board, but the general concepts and layout designs for the entire campaign were pulled together at River Printing Company. For the second year in a row we've kept a rustic wood look to the designs. This year I thought it appropriate to integrate the Wanted Poster look to the designs. All in all I think the campaign was very successful.

This work was created through River Printing Company and all rights are reserved to River Printing Company and the client, Spirit Ridge Rifle Golf.
Spirit Ridge Business Cards.
Spirit Ridge Driving Range Pass.
Spirit Ridge Postcard.
Spirit Ridge Poster.
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