Honolulu Ice Branding

Logo design and miscellaneous print design for Honolulu Ice.

Honolulu Ice
Logo Design and Punch Cards
When Honolulu Ice came to River Printing Company and asked us to create the branding for their new business I knew it had to be something somewhat unique. I did some research on other similar named flavored ice companies and none of them seemed to have incorporated a Tiki for their brand. I began researching and sketching all types of Tikis at various angles and various looks. I wish I had scanned in some of those sketches to show the progression of the work. I decided I wanted the Tiki to look frozen as if its teeth were chattering and it was freezing and with the flavored ice rising from the top of the Tiki. I was rushed to finish this so I felt I could have done alot more to make the Tiki look better but, the client was happy and that's what matters most.

This work was created through River Printing Company and all rights are reserved to River Printing Company and the client, Honolulu Ice.
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